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Nowadays, nothing works without the Internet. Almost everyone is registered on social network sites like Facebook or Twitter and uses this service every day. Search engines like Google or Yahoo are also clicked on and used millions of times every day. The trend towards online shopping is increasing and Internet users are getting younger and… read more

The Internet has grown from a small American research network into a global community. The possibilities are almost unlimited, and the advertising opportunities are by no means inferior. It is precisely the almost overwhelming presence of the Internet that makes it so powerful as an advertising medium. Modern, targeted, mass compatible If it were a… read more

Music, films, audio books and photos are dear to us, and extensive project files and important text documents are hard to replace. However, if customer data and stored projects can no longer be found, the damage is hard to quantify! Backups are therefore very important! The different options for data storage Students know the problem:… read more

Finally being your own boss – that is the dream of many working people. If you dare to take this step of opening your own shop and the organizational side of things like a business plan, taking out a loan and choosing a location has been sorted out, you should also take care of advertising… read more

Nowadays, we are surrounded by data that can be accessed almost anytime and anywhere thanks to the various technical devices available to us. In many cases, these are networked together thanks to wireless connections and make our everyday lives easier or provide fun and variety. They have become an indispensable part of everyday life –… read more

Smartphone manufacturers are constantly outdoing each other with new, innovative models, and consumers often lose track. Therefore, important criteria should be decided before buying a smartphone. This raises the question, for example, do I need the device for private or professional purposes? Test before buying: A smartphone should never be bought blindly, so it is… read more

Shopping online is becoming increasingly popular among the German population. Here you can directly compare the most important products and in this way quickly and easily improve your own portfolio of technology products. But there are other advantages that speak in favor of shopping online. For example, you can even save a lot of money… read more

The technical infrastructure of a company is vital to survival these days. The most important data is stored on the servers and computers and is of the utmost importance for communication with the customer. However, the servers in particular are particularly susceptible to damage caused by climatic conditions or technical defects. Therefore, a high standard… read more

Everyone knows the big money problem. The money is getting less and less, but there are still a few days left until the next money comes and now you have to be extremely frugal. What would it be like if this very problem didn’t arise in the first place? You would save a lot of… read more