E-commerce and F-commerce entrepreneurs and their initiatives in Mymensingh

The recent revolutionary progress of Bangladesh e-commerce and f-commerce is undoubtedly commendable. More hopeful is that entrepreneurs of Mymensingh are not far behind. There are very few products that are not available to order online, from foreign cosmetics to homemade food. There is a touch of professionalism in the promotion and customer support of these online entrepreneurs. There is a lot to be said for mentioning the positive aspects of these entrepreneurs. But today I will write about some limitations.

In recent times, these online entrepreneurs in Mymensingh are almost 100% dependent on Facebook. Their participation on any platform other than F-Commerce (Facebook Commerce) is almost nil. Although e-commerce business usually means selling products on one’s own website, I do not mean that. In fact, new entrants to the market do not feel the need to have their own website. But outside of Facebook and on other social networking platforms, classified websites and blogging platforms, these entrepreneurs should come forward.

Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, who have been successful and whose markets and boundaries have evolved beyond Mymensingh to the national level, will undoubtedly need time to develop a quality website for branding and promotion of their organizations.

Another thing these entrepreneurs should seriously consider is the delivery system. The most timely solution to this can come from their combined Prachester fruit.

Ultimately, it is certain that over time, the way Mymensingh’s entrepreneurs have set up their positions online will overcome all these limitations, if Allah wills it.